Battling the Stash

I’m back! I think I just have to accept that my blogging is going to be sporadic and patchy at best! Things just pile up and writing a blog falls to the bottom of the list. Not that I don’t enjoy it, when I start writing one its really enjoyable!

Anyway, its a quiet Sunday at home and Pretty Little Liars is on in the background (my new obsession, its awful but addictive; please don’t judge me), which is a perfect time for me to write an update post.

At the start of 2016 (how are we nearly at Easter already?!), I read a couple of blogs about organising (and getting control) of your stash; namely these from Paprika Patterns: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. These cried out to the anally retentive/OCD side of my personality and I never know what fabric I have so I decided to use some of the principles that Lisa describes.

Fabric Swatches

So I downloaded the handy template from Sarai’s blog post here and got to work. So far I have pulled apart my fabric stash and measured the fabric, cut a sample to attach to a tag and wrote the details on a tag and also into a spreadsheet. So far I have 88 bits of fabric, and in writing this I have reminded myself that I have another box of fabric hidden away upstairs.

I also put all my PDF patterns in my spreadsheet (I have yet to do the paper patterns but I don’t have many – I tend to prefer PDFs) and created a list of projects which include the fabric and pattern that I will be using and I can also include how much of that fabric I have used per project. This means that I can track how much I have used in a month vs how much I have bought. I am also tracking the costs and trying to scare myself into not buying more fabric…but I think that Lisa’s method of unsubscribing from all fabric shop mailing lists and blog posts would be much more effective!


I am feeling a little bit more in control of the stash now – time will tell if it slows now my fabric buying! I will report back!

I have been doing some sewing as well! I am most of the way through an Anna dress, just waiting for a zip to turn up in the post. That will be my next blog post – hopefully soon!

Right, I am lost now, need to catch up on who might be A this time.

Until next time!